
Hey there, everybody, thanks for stopping by. We're the Mauger & Son Woodshop, a little woodworking shop located in St. Louis, MO, where we make all sorts of things. Making makes us happy, and making for others makes us even happier.

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Friday, November 15, 2013

Turned Penguins


So these little guys are about 3-4 inches tall, turned from cedar and pine, and have beaks made from dowels sharpened in the trusty ol' Bostich pencil sharpener. 

Sidebar: I think everyone should own the tried and true wall mounted pencil sharpener—just like you had in school

The Son is a penguin lover, mostly due to the wonderful penguin and puffin habitat at the St. Louis Zoo, so these were inevitable. As turnings go, they're quite easy and I will probably do more as I practice with new tools and techniques.

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