
Hey there, everybody, thanks for stopping by. We're the Mauger & Son Woodshop, a little woodworking shop located in St. Louis, MO, where we make all sorts of things. Making makes us happy, and making for others makes us even happier.

Always feel free to leave a comment or ask a question. We'd love to hear from you. Until then, check back with us every now and then. There's bound to be something new.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Return from Yesterday

First off, let us apologize. It's been a bit too long since our last post here at the Woodshop blog. We'd like to post more often, but we also don't like to post unless we have something worth sharing, so that leaves us in a bit of a spot. Today, we'll meet ourselves halfway and post some items that are.. almost worthy. We promise to do better next time.

The holidays are interesting at the shop because we tend to do less work in general as we out shopping and decorating and cleaning and on and on. The work that does get done is for a gift, or an order for a gift, so there's not much we can show until now.

First up is a six-pack carrier. Nothing amazing (see first paragraph), but still a fun little project. Made from reclaimed cedar and elbow grease this sixer will get you rounded in style. Rounded? Oh that's a little Maugerism meaning ‘take the edge off’. Not sober, not tipsy, just ‘rounded’.

As we were building this it was discussed how we might embellish a piece like this in the future. A fellow wood worker was dabbling with a wood burner and his enthusiasm rubbed off a bit so we picked one up. A great tool for making art—if you have got the chops—but for us, a great tool to add to the arsenal of finishing options. Here’s the shop sign in progress (which is also the new blog header image). There's a lot of great wood-burner artists out there (many on youtube) we encourage you to check them out.

Last up is a small project that most woodshops do from time to time, the trophy. The Mrs won her fantasy football league (I still imagine wizards playing take football when I hear that), and who more deserving of a trophy than the woman who puts up with all of this wood dust? At the time writing this the trophy is off at a local trophy shop being fitted with plaques, but until then here it is in all of it'a naked glory.

Thanks for reading. Happy New Year—we'll write more soon.